Jewish Anti-Fascists: The 43 Group

After coming back from fighting fascists in WWII and seeing the horrors of concentration camps, British-Jewish soldiers found fascism thriving in London. Oswald Mosley and his black shirt fascists were holding sometimes dozens of meetings a week. Some of those Jews took it upon themselves to attack those fascists in the  streets—never allowing them the platform to speak. Laugh along with these jolly old men as they talk about bashing fashies in this 20 minute documentary about the 43 Group:


Zine: A Jewish Anarchist Refutation of the Hammer and Sickle

Some Jews just released a zine on why anti-fascists should not work with, tolerate, or trust statist-Communists. This is from Some Jews


The list is endless and, therefore, this zine is not complete. The examples of totalitarianism and fascist sympathies of the Bolsheviks, we feel, are more than sufficient. We write in hopes that this information will demonstrate to anti-fascists the importance of refusing to tolerate the presence of statist-Communists in our movement, no matter their specific affiliation


download the zine version here: imposed-bolshevik-refutation

download the scroll version here: jews against bolshevism-scroll

Jewish sci-fi Zine: Tohuvabohu: Chaos and Desolation//Anarchy and Yiddish

From the forward

The intentions of compiling this zine is solely to foster a modern Jewish anarchism. We feel that it is important to, both, create a body of non-fiction and analysis from a Jewish-anarchist lens, and a body of fiction that supports those analyses while fostering those ideals. Jewish anarchy, just like the vastness of the world’s Jewry, is vast and diverse. We hold true to our hearts the anarchy of our past, our fight against statelessness, and the fight against fascism and supremacy. We feel that it is in our best interest to remember the past and to look to unimaginable futures. In this issue, we print several stories by a modern Jewish anarchist author, Der Meshunediker. Although we do not know much about the author, we feel, that the author’s ideals are inline with our values. What we do know is that the author is a trans, queer, Jewish, anarchists, who wishes for an end to “whiteness,” the society that upholds it, and to the destruction of “Time,” that which constrains our unimaginable.

We hope that in compiling this zine other Jews and Gentiles will seek out Jewish anarchism—not only its rich history—but create its now. As it was said: We dream of a time when we were no longer a dream


דאַלוי פּאָליציי



Download the printable zine format here: imposed-tohuvabohu

Download the PDF version here: tohuvabohu-reader